What is the Battlefields Tour and why it matters to Canadians

Many Canadians who have served during times of global conflict can attest to the level of personal sacrifice many have made so that others can remain free. Canada’s involvement in both World Wars confronted the immediate and future threats to our freedoms as a people as well as those of our allies who recognize the value of self-determination. Thus, an attack on independence near or far is an attack on all who wish to remain free. It is with this understanding we as Canadians value so strongly the preservation of freedom.

Today, it is the sacrifice of all those fallen Canadians that allows us to fully understand the level of personal sacrifice for freedom we currently enjoy. The personal value of freedom was shared by all who served, and also by those who knew someone who served. However, as time goes on, it is important to remind each new generation what it feels like to carry the same value of freedom held by our predecessors. At the Canadian Battlefields Foundation we recognize that while traditional education can teach the history of Canadians serving in past global conflicts, it may not convey the full meaning of freedom as understood by our forefathers. We feel that this personal value of freedom must be discovered through personal experience — as veterans themselves have done so during those difficult times.

The Canadian Battlefields Foundation proudly offers students from all across Canada an opportunity to learn first-hand the efforts of Canadian men and women who walked the many battlefields in the name of freedom. Here, a new generation of Canadians follow the very paths of fallen soldiers to learn of their hopes, challenges, and sacrifices. During a 17 day excursion, students learn personal details of a specific soldier of their choosing and are immersed in everything that pertained to their soldier’s struggles: where they walked, what they ate, where they fought, and ultimately where they died. This experience of first-hand learning constitutes a very emotional and personal journey that deeply affects many students. When they return after their tour, they bring back a strong personal value of freedom — and ultimately the true meaning of being a free Canadian.

Applications for the 2024 Study Tour are now closed. Applications for the 2025 tour will open in January 2025.